Sustainable Social Sales

Build a stress-free social media strategy to boost confidence in your unique voice and convert dream clients without the timesuck.

A 12-week live group program for mission-driven entrepreneurs who want to stop second-guessing their ideas, quit creating social posts that don’t get results,  and finally master Instagram and LinkedIn to get visible, make more sales, and not feel like crap in the process.

Apply Today!

We kick off on May 21!

So you’re an online entrepreneur who’s been marketing your mission-driven business on social media for a year or more. You’ve created some content you like but it’s hard to keep it up, and you’re just not getting the results you want or deserve.

I’m guessing that…

  • You want an authentic social media presence that brings in more right-fit clients and more high-paying opportunities. 

  • You’re tired of second-guessing your content ideas and want to unleash the thought leader inside of you.

  • You need an efficient, reliable approach to content creation that jives with your bandwidth and whole way of being.

  • You’d like to use your platform for social good, but you don’t know how to.

  • And you don’t want to waste time on social media tactics that don’t contribute to your revenue goals.

So, what if…

Instead of experiencing social media as a pain and a drain, you could actually enjoy it as a source of creativity, community, and, most, importantly, clients?!

It’s so much more attainable than you might think, and I’m going to show you how to make it happen in Sustainable Social Sales

​Sustainable Social Sales is a 12-week live group coaching program for overwhelmed entrepreneurs ready to find their voice and use social media to make it heard, convert dream clients, and save time and energy doing it.

Your stress-free social strategy means that you’ll:

  • Nail the message that makes people want to pay to hear more from you

  • Implement a personalized content creation routine that works with your unique energy, not against it

  • Find your voice and translate your biggest ideas into content that actually converts

  • Learn to measure how social media is contributing to your bottom line so you can continually optimize your ROI

  • Craft a compelling offer story that sets you apart in a sea of service providers and primes your ideal client to buy from you

  • Nurture genuine social media relationships so you can sell without the ick factor

  • Stop letting social media dictate your life and regain time and energy for yourself and the thing you got into business to do


By joining, you get:

☎️ Weekly Live Content Review Calls
No boring Q&A Calls here! Each week you’ll join a group session where you’ll get live feedback on your messaging, specific social posts, and social media sales conversations to help you boost confidence in your voice, build a connection with your ideal client, and stop wasting time on social media tactics that won’t convert them.

👩🏻‍🏫  Social Sales Foundations Digital Course
Learn everything you need to know to actually get new clients from social media—from crafting effective sales posts and selling in the DMs without the ick to tracking success to understand how social media is impacting your bottom line.

These 30-minute video modules are designed to cut through the overwhelm and help you tune out all that unhelpful social media advice that isn’t feasible for small business owners (e.g. “post 3x a day”) or just doesn’t apply to you.

📚 A Streamlined Resource Hub That Supports Your Goals
Including templates, worksheets, and example content to help you master each concept in your Social Sales Foundations Course and help you keep showing up on social media without burnout for years to come. 

This includes resources to help you Define Your Dream Client, Tell Your Brand Story, and Craft the Right Content Mix to help you move the needle toward your unique marketing goals. 

🧡 Slack Office Hours Twice a Week

To help you keep making progress between coaching calls, you’ll have access to a Slack community where you can ask me (and the group!) for feedback on your content ideas, celebrate wins, and ask all your burning social media questions—whether they’re about your Social Sales Foundation Course, the best way to use a new feature, or anything else to support your social media success. 

You can ask questions any time via text or voice note and twice a week I’ll answer your questions during Office Hours where you can also ask follow-up questions and chat with me in real time.

👋 Live Feedback & Accountability
Together, we'll set realistic goals for your weekly content output and social media sales outreach and use regular check-ins to help you stay the course!

You’ll leave the program with a stress-free social media strategy that works for your unique brain, business, and whole way of being down on paper, so you can use it as your roadmap to social media success for years to come.

🏆 VIP Coaching
Get deeper support through 1:1 Slack and Private Content Review.

This is a great option if you want to optimize your emails, freebies, and live workshops, too.
(Additional investment applies)

“Since working with Nina, social media isn't hard anymore! Before it felt like throwing spaghetti at the wall, but now I create content that I know my ideal clients relate to and that I'm actually excited to share. Nina has changed everything for me—the best investment I've ever made!”

— Heather Cloud, Founder, The Pilates Party

Our Schedule

Our 12-week program follows my Stress-Free Social Media Strategy method which ensures you’ll address all key areas of your social media presence in the right order. We’ll have two Integration Weeks with no new recorded modules where you’ll get time, space, and additional feedback to help you tackle and implement what you’ve learned so far.

Sustainable Social Sales Client Success Story

In Sustainable Social Sales, Melissa Schuster, a Registered Dietician Nutritionist went from “fear and avoidance of social media” to:

  • easily brainstorming 45 content ideas in one sitting

  • booking 10 new clients within 3 months of working together (they all said her social media presence was a contributing factor in their decision to work with her)

  • reaching her annual revenue goal only 6 months into taking her business full-time

…and she did it all with less than 500 Instagram followers!

Here’s what Melissa has to say about the program:

“Before Sustainable Social Sales, I was working with a business coach but needed more targeted support with specific social media messaging and figuring out exactly what to say to my ideal client. I also felt like I was drowning with content creation and needed to figure out how to be efficient because I have two little kids and no time. 

Sustainable Social Sales presented a practical solution to my problem of content creation burnout. Nina structured the program to be manageable and bite-sized, with easy-to-watch modules, great weekly discussions, and support to cheer me on between sessions. 

Since joining Sustainable Social Sales, I truly see the impact of my marketing—from direct sales, but even more indirectly from the fact that my Instagram page is now a "resume" for potential clients. It’s so cool to see Instagram attracting people who want to work with me!

Sustainable Social Sales is for YOU if…

  • You’re an expert in what you do and are already serving clients but are ready for more and higher-paying clients

  • You’ve worked with a business coach and have clarity on your offers but need a marketing plan to reach—and convert—more people in less time

  • You want the confidence to stop second-guessing yourself and finally put your big ideas out there so you can create the positive change your industry needs

  • You’re frustrated with cookie-cutter marketing strategies and unrealistic recommendations (e.g. post a Reel a day) and want to make social media work for your unique business, bandwidth, and whole way of being

  • You have a lot to say but struggle to boil it down into digestible content that resonates with your ideal clients and sets you apart in a sea of similar businesses

  • You’ve created some content you like but want to do it more consistently and efficiently and thrive on support and accountability from a group

  • You're interested in using your social media platform to speak to social issues like antiracism, climate change, and mental health but you’re not sure how to do it

Sustainable Social Sales is NOT for you if…

  • You're 100% happy with the way you're showing up on social media, the number of clients you're getting from social media, and the amount of time and energy you're spending social media. (Celebrate yourself!)

  • You don’t have a business or aren’t sure what you’re selling

  • You don't think you need social media to grow your business

  • You're not open to building a more inclusive, socially conscious social media presence

  • You’re looking for a quick fix and aren’t willing to invest time and energy in finding your voice and building the social media strategy and content creation habits to support you for the long haul

About Your Coach

Hi, I’m Nina and I help mission-driven entrepreneurs make impact on social media without the stress.

Let me tell you a story…

Not too long ago, I was Head of Social Media for my fourth mission-driven startup. I’d recently been named a Webby Awards Honoree for one of my social media campaigns and my social content had been featured in 

I had social media strategy coming out of my ears…but I was addicted to the mindless scroll and suffering a minor breakdown every time a post didn’t get “good engagement.” My totally toxic relationship with social media was ruining my career.

But I also held a deep conviction that social media can be a powerful force for good. So, I started my own business to help mission-driven entrepreneurs do just that.

From Day 1, I’ve been my own guinea pig, building my own stress-free social media strategy before helping my clients do the same. And I can tell you that it works. I’ve gone from experiencing social media as a pain and a drain to enjoying it as a source of creativity, community, and, most importantly, clients!  I’ve celebrated as my clients make this transformation themselves, and I can’t wait to help you do it too!

Some fun facts: A former modern dancer-choreographer, I’m known to bust out moves in random places. I’m a native New Yorker who’s getting more in touch with her outdoorsy side. And I make a mean cheese plate. 

The Investment

$3,500 or 3 monthly payments of $1,200.

Price Comparison:

On a monthly basis, you’ll spend about the same to hire a competent Social Media Manager, Virtual Assistant, or Copywriter to support your social media and marketing efforts.

However, completely outsourcing your marketing will cost you much more in the long run, since you’ll have to pay these folks indefinitely. By investing in this mastermind, you’ll save money while ensuring your social media presence captures your unique magic in the way that only you can. 

“At first, I was hesitant to make this level of investment, but it was immediately clear that Nina was really listening and able to reflect and support my goals. Her emphasis on balance helped me avoid burnout, while her thoroughness and accountability ensured I left Sustainable Social Sales with a solid social media foundation in place.”

—Yesenia Villalta, Therapist & Life Coach


How big will the group be?

Building a stress-free social media strategy requires personalized support, so I will be capping the group at 10 enrollees to create the time and space to answer your questions within each coaching call.

What if I want 1:1 support?

You should definitely apply! Within the Sustainable Social Sales program, there’s an option to add on VIP support, which includes monthly private sessions as well as private Voxer support.

If you are interested in 1:1 support only, book a Clarity Call to find out more about my 1:1 Coaching Program.

What social media channels will Sustainable Social Sales cover?

The goal of this program is to build a foundational strategy that will allow you to excel on any social media channel you choose to pursue! We’ll break down the unique benefits of each channel to help you decide where to focus your time and energy. From there, we’ll focus most closely on Instagram (the hardest channel to master!) and briefly cover how to repurpose your Instagram content on other channels, namely LinkedIn.

If you’re looking for in-depth support across multiple channels, consider joining Sustainable Social Sales with VIP support or enrolling in my VIP Content Creator Mastermind. Simply apply and we’ll talk about which program and level of support is right for you.

I’m thinking about hiring a freelance Social Media Manager. Does this program still make sense for me?

Yes, absolutely!

I can’t tell you how many entrepreneurs tell me the same story: “I hired a Social Media Manager thinking it would take social off my plate. Instead, I spent all my time rewriting their content because it didn’t capture my voice.”

Most freelance Social Media Managers are really good at churning out content, but they don’t typically do the foundational work of building a strategy that will effectively spread your message and convert your dream clients.

When you enroll in Sustainable Social Sales you’ll build a comprehensive social media strategy that reflects you in all your glory. Then you can give that strategy to your Social Media Manager who can execute on it, taking the day-to-day social media stuff off your plate, while ensuring your content reads like, well, your content.

This sounds great but I just invested in another coaching program.

Good for you for investing in support! Now let me ask: Does that coaching program cover social media strategy in depth? If not, then then you should still apply to Sustainable Social Sales.

The truth is almost all of my clients come to me because they’ve been in other business coaching programs—even other marketing-specific programs—but they’re still not getting the results they want from their social media efforts. Sustainable Social Sales will give you the support you need to do just that.

I need a break from coaching. Will you be running this program again?

At some point, yes. But keep in mind the price will increase and I don’t currently have another cohort scheduled.

Also, if you don’t nail down your social media strategy now, then when you will do it? I’m not going to convince you to join Sustainable Social Sales right now if you’re truly, truly over-committed. But if having a social media presence that feeds your soul and drives sales is something you can’t afford to put off any longer, I hope you’ll consider applying today.

How much time will this program take each week?

We will have one 90-minute coaching call each week. Most weeks you will have a ~30-minute video module, which you can watch whenever works best for you. In addition, I’d recommend committing at least 1 hour a week to work on the content we cover in the program.

"Before Sustainable Social Sales, I had a strong reluctance toward social media and was all over the place with my messaging. The program helped me figure out what I actually wanted to talk about and how to reach the people who need to hear it. I've made so many professional connections from the content Nina coached me through!" 

—Patrice Shumate, Social Worker & Nonprofit Advocate

Ready to build a stress-free social media strategy to boost confidence in your unique voice and convert dream clients without the timesuck?

Book your free Clarity Call for Sustainable Social Sales today!